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Open letter from Alassa Mfouapon to Lisa Grüter.

Dear Attorney Grüter,

I am Alassa Mfouapon, Federal Spokesman of the Friends of Refugee Solidarity. You already know my name. At least we've been in contact. It is a pity that this offer of cooperation from me and our self-organization with the Mouhamed Circle of Friends should take the path requested in your letter. I'm not surprised though, as I had noticed from our first letter that they were unwilling to work with us. You and your supporters may not like us. But again and again exploiting the Drame family, who bears the grief of the death of their son, is the wrong way to solve their problems. I ask you to remain factual.

When I was told they would take this case, I was skeptical. My skepticism does not relate to her practice as a lawyer, which I have no doubt about. It is right to punish the police officers who were the perpetrators. My skepticism comes from the fact that I know from experience that punishing the police alone will not end this police violence. That's why I wanted to work with you as the national spokesman for the Friends of Refugee Solidarity in Solidarity International, which fights for the rights of refugees.

I would like to remind you of the case of 2018 in Ellwangen (Here the link Homepage of the Circle of Friends)

That was police violence! Since then, I have decided with the Friends of Refugee Solidarity in Solidarity International to fight against the state of Baden-Württemberg, to stand up for the rights of refugees both legally and publicly. That also means against them hate campaign to fly the flag towards the refugees, which has become much more severe in recent weeks.

Many refugees no longer had confidence in themselves and tried to stop us in this all-out struggle: "EIt won't work, let's just fight for Ellwangen“. But we did it and will do even more to fight this injustice establish and more rights of refugees to get. For example, we are still invited to court on June 15th in the BVG Leipzig, on the question of vulnerability of the home of refugees. We have not only had successes in recent years against the state of Baden-Württemberg, but also against the Bild newspaper, against the AfD, against Alice Weidel, against the German courier and several individual propagandists on social media.

You can only wage these struggles if you really stand behind the interests of the people, refugees and their rights and are affected by them or show unlimited solidarity. Nobody has one Sole representation claim! It's not going to be done one morning by a bourgeois environmental organization, backed by an established war partei hidden, who threw away her entire environmental program, is suddenly appointed a refugee activist. If you then add a whole portion of personal ambition and you like to be brushed up on by established politicians – then sooner or later this has to turn into wild attacks and competitive thinking towards other activists. For unselfish commitment you need experience and that is what the refugees and activists, who themselves are from the legal development affected and oppressed by the government.

We refugees infcircles of friends frefugeeSsolidarity do not negotiate with the police in bourgeois media or on the radio, otherwise it will lead to this very thing Mobbing, such as with Tariq Alaows (Pro Asyl) on the talk show "Hard but fair". We also do not negotiate with bourgeois parties that spread superstition and hate speech about us and make the AfD slogans socially acceptable. We stand behind the opinion "Protest is Left", that's why we fight on the street advancedn fighterInside, supporters and in court advancedn lawyersn for our rights. In this sense, we would also like to work with you - but we are not dependent on you either.

You write in your letter: "In the name of Arelatives and in the interest of the family and with theirs ... supporters, inclspecial of the Lordrightn W. ... I urge you to cancel the football tournament…. and in the alleged name of Mouhamed and his family to collect donations.” I hope you are at least informed that I know the family personally at least as much as Mr. Dountio and get confidential information from them? I can refute your allegations fact for fact that the family is behind our solidarity work and specifically the football tournament and that they support this initiative and others of ours. Should there now be any changes, it would be exclusively on lie and blackmail attributed. I speak to Mohammad L.'s brother very often and we have a close friendship that is not based on financial or moral pressure.

Why are you taking part in the split attempts, as they also took place at the demo on 11/19/22? That would only cause damage - but not prevent us from our activities.

Do you know:

  • Who has been tending the crime scene and erecting a memorial plaque since the death of Mohamed Lamine? WE
  • According to Senegalese tradition, who organized Mouhamed's two funerals? WE
  • Who is fighting for the mother's right to visit the place where her son died? WE
  • Who is now developing initiatives so that Mohamed L.'s village gets a charisma? WE
  • And who makes regular visits to inform people? WE

You can do all this task only if you really care for it "Interestn" of the family and not for one's own interests. For each donation to our circle of friends Mohamed, there is also an exact accountability presented over every cent.

One and only "Mistake" that we have done so far is working with parties that are honestly on our side. Who are happy and proud to be an honest and verifiable party and show themselves as they are. Can one use oppressive means to combat a system that is directed against the oppressed? No. This is unbelievable!

This is a political problem and must also be solved politically! As non-partisane self-organisation, we are in favor of cooperation with parties, alliances which we have never ruled out, as soon as it is on an anti-fascist basis.

When I heard the shocking news of the murder of Mohamed L. in Dortmund, I was very sad - and very outraged. I took part in many vigils in Dortmund, as well as the demonstrations on 11/19, and I was always looking for a solution. We have with that discrimination Association in Bielefeld submitted a petition with 38,000 signatories to the state parliament in Düsseldorf (Here is the link to the petition ) because we for justice and a independent Commission of Inquiry claim for his death. I have one with social workers, professors and educators online workshop organized on their approach to difficulties with underage refugees.

Ms. Grüter, I may seem strict, but like you, I approach this case with my heart and make it my business. Because it's my business and I'm absolutely convinced of this thing. We have decided thecircle of friends Mohammed" as part of Friends of Refugee Solidarity in Solidarity International to found and make our together legwork, fight like other organizations do, but not andndercover work with mostly established parties who don't want to show them publicly. But we are still open to them Cooperation, of course on an anti-fascist basis.

With friendly, militant, left-wing and solidarity greetings

Alassa Mfouapon,

federal spokesman Friends of Refugee Solidarity in Solidarity International

Friends of Refugee Solidarity in SI –
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