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Solidarity with Isaiah – trial date postponed!

Dear friends, Isaiah Ehrauyi was one of the speakers at the refugee protest in Ellwangen in 2018, is active in the Friends of Refugee Solidarity and has repeatedly spoken at large demonstrations/rallies as a representative of the refugees in recent years, e.g. in connection with black lives matter or the NSU tribunal (see bottom left). He is wanted in Nigeria for his anti-government activities, including a demonstration he helped organize against reactionary and misogynist genital mutilation and for women's rights. 
In an interview he reports: “I left my country because I was threatened. They wanted to put me in prison, they wanted to kill me because I fought for women's rights. I had organized a protest because women had been threatened. This protest was attacked; three people lost their lives. As a result, I was wanted with an arrest warrant; also in the newspapers and on the internet, both in neighboring Benin and in Nigeria. The only way to escape was to leave the country. That's how I came to Germany.

In his asylum case, the original court date has now been postponed been. If a new date is set, we want to show our solidarity with Isaiah on that day as well, with a public campaign in Stuttgart in front of the court and we ask you to support this solidarity and with it the unrestricted right to asylum on an anti-fascist basis. Because of Isaiah's commitment to women's rights, we ask women's organizations in particular to show solidarity, because the right to asylum must apply to every progressive person who is at risk because of their political commitment!

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