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Moria Solidarity Pact…

...for emergency aid for refugees and residents of the Greek islands.
between the self-organization of the refugees in the Moria camp on Lesbos/Greece together with Greek residents of the island and "Solidarity International" in Germany.

That concerns

  • the joint effort for the immediate evacuation of all camps on the
    Aegean Islands, linked to the dissemination of the petition "Corona: Refugees from
    Save hotspots - stop deportations - now!"
    accompanying immediate measures for the immediate improvement of the conditions in the
    storage (e.g. drinking water supply and hygiene instructions);
  • organizing a fundraiser;
  • Review and organize further support such as collection of
    Sewing machines, fabrics, breathing masks to be passed on to the camp, if there are any possibilities
    resulting from the transport;
  • Announcing and supporting the self-organization of the refugees in cooperation
    with the Greek residents;
  • the exchange of opinions and experiences as well as public relations work on the realization
    of the project against Corona, but also against the inhumane
    EU refugee policy. Solidarity International works mainly with the member organization
    Friends of Alassa&friends, which make important contributions in Germany
    contributes to the self-organization of the refugees;
  • for the end of 2020 or 2021 the examination of a holiday project with the travel agency people-
    to-people to Lesvos in support of ailing tourism.
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