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Statement to the public and press on Nancy Faeser's new draft law

On Wednesday, October 25, 2023, the federal government announced the...
Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) presented the draft bill
stricter deportation and asylum policies were approved.

The Friends of Refugee Solidarity firmly condemns the current plans. In addition
Alassa Mfouapon, federal spokesman for the Circle of Friends: “These plans involve a change
to a fascist refugee policy that limits the last remaining asylum rights
Germany should be abolished. At the same time, the federal government is also letting everyone in
The progressive reform projects announced in the coalition agreement fall. The circle of friends
Refugee solidarity calls all democratic, anti-fascist and internationalist
“We call on our forces to resolutely oppose these plans together.”

The realization of the government's plans would ensure fundamental civil-democratic freedoms
as well as override human rights that are enshrined in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic.
They treat refugees as second class people who do not have such basic rights
should be denied. Nancy Faeser openly says that her plans are a whole bunch of “more restrictive
Measures include:

  • People without a recognized right to remain should be deported more quickly and comprehensively.
    This leads to division, as refugees without an officially recognized right to remain still have many reasons to flee. Many migrants from African countries are refused admission
    although in their countries of origin there is often bitter misery and oppression by reactionary or
    Fascist regimes rule, opposition members and minorities of all kinds are politically persecuted
  • In order to speed up deportations, the government plans to agree agreements with the refugees' countries of origin to take them back. The agreement with Tunisia makes clear what this means: hundreds of refugees were left behind in the desert, without help
    delivered to death. They were finally saved by protests at home and abroad.
  • Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser emphasizes that the number of deportations compared to
    increased by 27 percent last year. Nevertheless, the government wants to deport more refugees more quickly. For this purpose, the maximum duration of “exit custody” should be changed from currently 10 to 28 days
    be extended. This gives the authorities more time to prepare deportations.
  • When searching for so-called refugees who are required to leave the country - meaning those at risk of deportation - the authorities should no longer only be allowed to search the living quarters of those affected, but also other apartments or rooms in the same accommodation. Furthermore, should
    The police have the right, for example, to check cell phones and access their cloud services. Deportations at night should be made easier and announced without a month's notice. Alassa
    Mfouapon is fighting the unjustified search before the Federal Constitutional Court
    of refugee accommodation and has already achieved important partial successes. Further information can be found at
    •Refugees who live in shared accommodation should receive less money – below
    Pretext that they need less money there.
    •The government is already carrying out stationary checks at the external borders. The project should
    be expanded to supposedly combat “smugglers”. What this leads to in reality is
    points to the terrible accident in August on the A6, in which three of the 20 refugees were in one
    transporters were killed. The car was pursued by the police for a long distance
    and then rolled over.
  • These tightening measures are complemented by the apparent concession that asylum seekers and
    “Tolerated” refugees are allowed to start work earlier. The question arises as to why this
    is only now coming, although this has already been done for years by the Friends of Refugee Solidarity as well
    other refugee organizations are required. Apparently the government is responding to the criticism
    on the work ban for refugees. In doing so, she probably also wants to reinforce reservations that refugees themselves don't want to work.
    The adoption of these measures is obviously very important to the federal government and it wants to
    Avoid protests against it. The head of Pro Asyl's European department, Karl Kopp, has both
    criticized the content as well as the speed of enforcement of the law: “The associations only had
    48 hours to comment. That’s absurd with a law like this.”
    The plans are met with contradictions even within the governing parties. At the base of the Greens
    and there is considerable dissatisfaction with the SPD. According to Filiz Polat, migration expert for the Green Party parliamentary group, the provisions in the legislative package are “disproportionate interventions in the
    Basic rights to freedom, inviolability of the home and privacy of those affected.
    These interventions are rightly met with unanimous rejection in the statements of churches,
    Welfare associations and civil society organizations.” (Editorial Network Germany)
    We demand:
  • The immediate withdrawal of the draft law to tighten asylum law and of
    Deportations, because no one risks their life and flees without a serious reason
  • The right to escape on an anti-fascist basis.
  • Escape is a human right! Stop slandering refugees!
  • Many refugees want to work, but are not allowed to. it is important, that
    all refugees have the opportunity to work!
  • Stop the deportations!
  • Fight the causes of flight instead of the refugees!

The Friends of Refugee Solidarity looks forward to hearing from you:
More information at: www. friends-refugee-solidarity.or

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