June 20th is World Refugee Day. On this occasion, Pro Asyl and several other organizations in Berlin held a protest action against the decisions of the EU Interior Ministers' Conference and German refugee policy in front of the Ministry of the Interior and the Bundestag under the motto: "Don't become gravediggers! No asylum compromise 2.0”.
Symbolically, human rights were buried in coffins. Tareq Alaows, refugee policy spokesman for Pro Asyl, who clearly opposed Jens Spahn "hard but fair" made a name for himself, chaired the event. In moving words, he reported on his friends, Syrian revolutionaries who fought against the Assad regime and finally had to flee.
At the beginning of the event, the focus was on mourning and accusation, but as the event progressed it became more combative and he found sharp criticism of the EU. An EU flag was printed with blood-smeared hands in front of the Bundestag. More than 100 people from various refugee initiatives took part in the pouring rain.
The two federal spokesmen for the Green Youth, Sarah-Lee Heinrich and Timon Dzienus, and Günter Burkhard, Managing Director of Pro Asyl, were also present. Alassa Mfouapon, federal spokesman for the Friends of Refugee Solidarity, also gave a speech. He thanked Pro Asyl for the event and called for the refugees to be recognized not just as victims but as fighters.
While in some speeches, despite clear criticism, various illusions in the reformability of the EU could still be heard, Alassa Mfouapon clearly took hold imperialism as the cause of the current situation, which is now also one global environmental disaster has produced. He called on the participants to get organized. There was a lot of approval, applause and thoughtfulness for this position. "That was a good final word!", said the presenter.
Many discussions about the role of the federal government and the Greens and the desire for exchange and contact in the refugee movement became clear. Many stickers with contact details from the Friends of Refugee Solidarity were distributed.
That was a signal against the rightward development of the federal government and the EU.
Here is Alassa's speech as a video https://youtu.be/6GmDprZ1M2I