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Let us build strong chains of solidarity in the fight against deportations

It is part of the reactionary refugee policy of the Federal Republic of Germany to step up deportations. Let us build stronger chains of solidarity.

1. The focus is on the persons affected. They themselves are their strongest asset with their reasons for flight, their goals. They themselves must want to take up the fight.

2. When a deportation is announced, it is important to make a most exact assessment of the concrete danger of deportation. We help to submit the proper documents for any immediately necessary legal counseling.

3. Public relations work is a key factor. It begins immediately after the first legal consultation and includes a variety of possibilities.

– As early as possible we prepare a press distribution list which is constantly expanded and includes local notables, and we establish personal contacts with the press. We determine who will do the press work.

– We plan public activities to inform about the reasons for flight, the situation in the country of origin, and the personal situation of the affected person, and attack the reactionary refugee policy.

– Collection of signatures on streets, in front of schools, enterprises, etc., also online through petition portals, with which we actively work ourselves.

4. Develop concrete, militant activities

– Vigils (“solidarity tent”) with fixed times, depending on the situation also 24 hours in front of collective accommodations, in public places, where people can come, express solidarity, and get information.
– Organize protest at departure airports: We must not accept any deportation without protest! We disapprove deportation! It is a violation of human rights!

5. Raise concrete, exact demands which also relate to refugee policy in its entirety.

6. Form communication chains (telephone). The communication chain for each affected person must be thought through to the end and doubly secured.

7. The affected person must have a first trustworthy and always reachable contact person. Special help and training against fear, sleep disorder, panic attacks.

8. We help to find democratic, internationalist-minded lawyers and help to build up a network of progressive lawyers and physicians.

9. Solidarity is what counts. Only organized struggle against deportation is possible. Where possible set up a local group of Freundeskreis Flüchtlingssolidarität (Friendship Circle for Refugee Solidarity); look for allies. They can be friends, young people and their associations, colleagues at work, fellow sports enthusiasts, church communities, trade unions, militant women’s organizations…

10. Inform the Friendship Circle about the developments so that nationwide action can be taken if necessary.

11. Every fight against a deportation costs money, whether for lawyers‘ fees, printing of leaflets, travel expenses. Every activity must be combined with the active collection of donations so that any costs incurred can be financed independently.

12. As a basic rule, a deportation takes place, at the earliest, ten days after notice of deportation! The tactic of “Day X” is a proven method to prepare for the situation systematically, with a previously exactly determined place and time.

13. We must know the locations of deportation prisons in the region.

14. Not every deportation can be prevented – in every country of the world the struggle can and must be continued. We stay in contact!

15. Depending on the country to which someone is deported, we clarify beforehand whether personal contacts of the Friendship Circle in the country can receive the affected person and can provide accommodation for and support him or her for a certain time.

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