Der Freundeskreis Mouhamed hat mit über 25 Leuten eine Protestkundgebung, am 7. August, auf dem Kurt-Piehl-Platz durchgeführt. Kulturvoll mit Liedern, Grußworten bis aus Südafrika und…
Alassa Mfouapon, federal spokesman for the Friends of Refugee Solidarity, submitted - represented by the law firm Meister&Partner and in collaboration with the Society for Freedom Rights and Pro Asyl - a…
On the 1st anniversary of the shooting of Mouhamed Lamine Dramé by the police, hundreds of people came together today to commemorate him. At the memorial in the…
Proposal for a joint, militant and non-partisan demonstration on the anniversary of the shooting of Mouhamed under the motto »Justice for Mohamed! Fight the EU's fascist refugee policy!...
Press release to the democratic public and information to all friends of the Mouhamed Circle of Friends and alliance partner Alassa Mfouapon, federal spokesman for the Circle of Friends for Refugee Solidarity in SI...
Today the Federal Administrative Court heard the appeal of Alassa Mfouapon against the state of Baden-Württemberg and of Ba Gando because of the house rules of the state initial reception facility in Freiburg.…
Today, with a rally on the Schlossplatz in Stuttgart, together with SI Stuttgart and Courage women from Sindel, we were able to successfully counter the increasing hate campaign against refugees...
Attempts at blackmail against the Mouhamed Circle of Friends Now more than ever!
Combating the causes of flight - not the refugees