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Eine Frage des Rechtsstaats

Ein hetzerischer Leserbrief und die passende Antwort – veröffentlicht in der „Schwäbischen Post“, Aalen. Ellwangen. Auf den Leserbrief von Michael Karl (siehe Ende Bericht) zum…

Constitutional complaint filed!

Alassa Mfouapon, federal spokesman for the Friends of Refugee Solidarity, submitted - represented by the law firm Meister&Partner and in collaboration with the Society for Freedom Rights and Pro Asyl - a…

breaking news!

Alassa stays! In our press release of May 3, 2023, we reported on the scandalous revocation of the residence permit of our federal spokesman Alassa Mfouapon by the immigration authorities of…

letter of solidarity.

The southern regional group of the Friends of Refugee Solidarity in SI declares its solidarity with attorney Roland Meister. "Rote Fahne News" documents the letter of solidarity.

Alarm! Our friends must stay!

Stop deportation - in crises, hunger wars and environmental disasters! Combat the causes of flight! Active against the acute danger of a 3rd World War! We, the members of the Friends of Refugee Solidarity from Dresden...

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