„Wir sind Flüchtlinge, wir sind Arbeiter und wir wollen arbeiten! Arbeit für alle, nicht nur für „privilegierte“ Flüchtlinge!“
February 20th, 2021, 5 p.m. Tribunal 2.0 as live stream<br>against the refugee policy of the government and the EU
Das Interesse am Tribunal 2.0 wächst international und es soll auch für Flüchtlinge/Migranten in Deu…
Moria Solidarity Pact…
…zur Soforthilfe für Flüchtlinge und Bewohner der griechischen Inseln.zwischen der Selbstorgan…
Tribunal 2.0 Now we're talking: Resolutely opposed to the EU's reactionary refugee policy
Tribunal 2.0: Jetzt reden wir – entschlossen gegen die reaktionäre Flüchtlingspolitik! Deutsche Vers…
11 Punkte Arbeitsprogramm des Freundeskreises Flüchtlingssolidarität
- The "Freundeskreis Flüchtlingssolidarität" is a non-partisan, self-organized association of refugees and activists of the democratic and revolutionary movement in Germany, which fights against the reactionary refugee policy of the Federal Government and the EU and for the right to asylum on a political basis. It builds on the rich experiences of the self-organized refugees from Ellwangen, who - like Alassa Mfouapon - have fought and are fighting against the martial police action or deportations.
- The circle of friends stands up for basic democratic and social rights and freedoms, the right to flee and the recognition of women-specific oppression as a reason for asylum.
- The Circle of Friends stands for a forward-looking, progressive refugee policy that fights the causes of flight, not the refugees. This also includes the open discussion about societal, including socialist alternatives. That is why racism and anti-communism have no place in the circle of friends.
- The members of the Circle of Friends help those affected to organize mutual advice and help: to deal with problems such as being recognized as refugees/asylum seekers, exercising their rights in dealings with the authorities and courts, looking for accommodation, family reunification, medical and legal advice and support, language courses, etc They organize solidarity (among other things, process accompaniment) and protest in the event of impending or completed deportation and in the case of politically motivated criminalization and against racist and fascist attacks.
- When developing initiatives, they advise on the self-financing of these activities. The Circle of Friends itself is not a funding organization. He is financially independent and finances his work with active donations and regularly reports on income and expenses at his meetings.
- The circle of friends works nationwide with international relations. He maintains a close cooperation with all initiatives and organizations with which there are interfaces to the goals of the circle of friends.
- The Circle of Friends works on the basis of this program. The groups of the federal states each elect a speaker group. One representative from each federal state forms the nationwide spokesperson group. There is one cashier nationwidein and auditorin, who are elected in a general meeting. For their own practical work, the groups can make sub-payments with a chosen cashier.
- Further functions are public relations and press work as well as cooperation with other initiatives and organizations, which is carried out both regionally and nationwide.
- He wins one or more legal advisors.
- The General Assembly decides on the main projects, plans and working methods, for the implementation of which the holders of functions are then accountable.
- Anyone who becomes a member puts their name on the list of members. The annual fee is 10 euros for refugees/low income, 20 euros for employed persons.
(adopted unanimously at the founding meeting of the Friends of Refugees on June 27th, 2020)